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Hale Village Autumn newsletter is out

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Look out for our Autumn newsletter around Hale Village or download a copy here.  Read all about the opening of the new Engine Room Community Centre, the new in-house bakery and cafe opening soon, plus details of what’s on in the Village from yoga to kid’s clubs.  Find out how to volunteer at the community garden, East Hale Allotments and how to get involved in Tottenham’s Cafe Connect project.  There’s also an opportunity to get a free day pass to The Gym.  Enjoy!

The Engine Room is officially open!

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The Engine Room has officially has opened its new doors after four years in temporary premises with a blessing from the Bishop of Edmonton.

The new church and Engine Room community centre will play an even bigger role in supporting Tottenham Hale.  The new in-house bakery and café, run by local pizzeria Loven Presents, will provide a vibrant social hub for the whole community when it opens in November and the recently opened 36 place nursery will give support to the many young families living in Tottenham Hale.

There’s lot so going on at the Engine Room from Yoga and Kids’ Clubs to Sunday morning Worship and residents can also hire out the new spaces for parties and special events.  Check out the Engine Room website or join the mailing list to keep in touch: offical opening 2

Another award for Hale Village

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We’ve been awarded Gold for the second year running in the 2017 London in Bloom Awards. Last year judges said Hale Village ‘could be the envy of any major European City’.  Well done to our fantastic team who keep Hale Village looking so great. Here’s James our Facilities and Landscape Manager receiving the award from TV gardener, David Domoney.

22/09/2017 - Ciaran McCrickard Photography - London In Bloom and It's Your Neighbourhood Awards 2017, The Mile End Art Pavilion, Tower Hamlets, London

22/09/2017 – Ciaran McCrickard Photography – London In Bloom and It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards 2017, The Mile End Art Pavilion, Tower Hamlets, London

Green Flag awarded for second year!

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Green flag awarded for second yearWe’re delighted to announce that Hale Village has been recognised by the Green Flag Award Scheme as one of the very best in the world for the second year running.

Hale Village is among a record-breaking 1,797 UK parks and green spaces that have received the prestigious Green Flag Award – the mark of a quality park or green space.

This international award, now into its third decade, is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible environmental standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent facilities.

Commenting, Jeremy Hickman, Head of Property and Facilities Manager at Hale Village said, “We’re delighted and very proud to receive a Green Flag Award for the second time. We know how much quality green spaces matter to residents and visitors, and this award celebrates the dedication of our team that goes into maintaining the Village to such a high standard.”

International Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd said: “We are delighted to be celebrating another record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award scheme. Each flag is a celebration of the thousands of staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to maintain the high standards demanded by the Green Flag Award. The success of the scheme, especially in these challenging times, demonstrates just how much parks and green spaces matter to people.”

Hale Village won Gold and was the overall winner in the London in Bloom Awards last year.   Achieving 180 points out of a maximum of 200, the judges said Hale Village ‘could be the envy of any major European City’.



Summer festival fun

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Thank you to everyone who came to the Hale Village Summer Festival.  The turnout was fantastic, despite the showers.  A very special thank you must go to The Engine Room team and their volunteers, plus the other 19 organisations that worked so hard to make the day very special for everyone who attended.

LUOS gets Queen’s Award

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We’re delighted that Living Under One Sun (LUOS) has received the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for ‘outstanding work in their community.’

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is given to volunteer groups in the UK and was created by the Queen in 2002 to mark her Golden Jubilee. Living Under One Sun relies heavily on volunteers as it has no core funding. They do incredible work in Hale Village and around Tottenham and truly deserve this award.  Well done Leyla and everyone at LUOS, their volunteers and friends.


Art in the Garden Workshops

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Living Under One Sun is opening up the community allotment to the public and running art workshops for adults and children over the Bank Holiday, Monday 29th May

Get involved with workshops run by local artists and makers.

  • Learn the art of botanical drawing
  • Make your own wildflower seed bomb
  • Create a pollinator friendly wind chime
  • Make a sculpture from driftwood

Workshops will run from 11am – 3pm.  Price: £8/£5 concessions

If you don’t want to take part in a workshop, then come along and just enjoy the garden.  It’s FREE.

There will be plants, produce and refreshments for sale, the profits of which will go towards funding LUOS’ outreach work and the upkeep of the community allotment. Art in the garden